Saturday, September 27, 2008


很天真 這個閒人
每日也在你的附近 等獻身
誰亦聽聞 深愛著你這種女人
這一生 失去靈魂
我沒法去徹底自拔 太愚笨
從沒有人 可發現我傷得太深
得不到你歡喜 偏偏深愛著你
戀火無法再點 懇請賜我一死
很想忘掉顧忌 編寫驚世傳記
重遇你 永遠在一起

Sunday, September 21, 2008

The look of that person, speaks to me about a lost world, hurt feelings, deep confusions, a wounded heart.
It is a soul who goes around in the world, suffering and crying out that his heart is of stone. It does not want, not for a moment to sense what he feels. It is a force that burns, drowns and accuses. He surrenders in his heart to the greatest terrible expressions. And he says to himself: ” I do not want to feel, to live, I do not want that the most powerful force of the universe touches me with its light.
My past frustrations plunged me in the darkness, where, I have the security of the nothing. I have a heart of stone, which is harder than steel, colder than a universe of ice because I keep in it a secret, a secret of Love, which I want to contain, to trap, to asphyxiate because it reminds me that I have life, that there is blood under my skin, that the passion raises me, that the desire consumes me and the tenderness fascinates me. But I chain myself and at the same time, I escape. I fill myself with thorns, I surround myself with monsters and I get together with trash. And in this way, I allow to feel the dignity. I bury myself under everything and under nothing. I want to hide my face because I want to flee from True Love.
My heart is of stone, it has become hard and even in front of the powerful ones, its power is stronger because I do not want to let know that an angel of light inhabits inside.
My heart is of stone and to my surprise, it is a transparent diamond, where the light is reflected. This light liberates me of doubts and fears and I can no longer avoid it; this heart of stone is a heart of light. It is translucent and crystalline. I can’t avoid it since the tear of Love has penetrated deeply and only in it and through it, I will know the reality of my being. My heart is of stone, of a precious stone, which wants to surrender, you only have to come and look for it.”